Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale (PBSM)

The Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana scale (PBSM) was developed by Dr. Pedersen and colleagues to identify strategies that may mitigate the harms related to marijuana use among those young people who choose to use the drug. The goal was to develop a psychometrically sound item bank for the PBSM, which totals to 36 items, and to create a short assessment form that minimizes respondent burden and time, totaling 17 items.
Protective Behavioral Strategies for Pregaming Scale (PBSP)
The Protective Behavioral Strategies for Pregaming scale (PBSP), recently developed by Dr. Pedersen and colleagues, identifies strategies specific to reducing harms related to pregaming or prepartying drinking behaviors among young adults. The 19-item scale includes behaviors specific to the pregaming context that may help reduce consequences from heavy drinking.

Relevant articles:
Development of a Measure to Assess Protective Behavioral Strategies for Pregaming among Young Adults
Sojourner Adjustment Measure (SAM)

Dr. Pedersen and research colleagues created the Sojourner Adjustment Measure (SAM) to assess the extent to which temporary residents of foreign environments, such as study abroad students, experience acculturation into their new surroundings. The SAM is a 24-item scale intended to be used for improving outcomes among these travelers, as positive adjustment is associated with better psychosocial outcomes while in temporary foreign residence.
Relevant articles:
Measuring Sojourner Adjustment among American Students Studying Abroad