Click on each study below or use the drop-down menu above to learn more and see related research articles (if applicable).

Brief Online Intervention to Reduce Heavy Alcohol Use among Young Veterans
NIAAA R34 AA022400
PI Pedersen
The objective of this study was to develop and pilot test a brief single-session alcohol intervention with young adult veterans to help them reduce their drinking and prevent the development of problematic alcohol use. Recruitment and intervention was delivered entirely over the Internet to address barriers to seeking care among this at-risk group. Drinking outcomes of the pilot intervention were assessed one-month post-intervention to inform a larger R01 study with this population.
NIDA R21 DA047501
PI Pedersen
Using existing data from a separate external study, this study focuses on evaluating how the proximity and density of medical and recreational marijuana outlets near young adult participants’ addresses associate with past 30 days marijuana use outcomes.

NIAAA R01 AA025909
PI Pedersen
This study builds upon a successful pilot intervention to implement an online intervention targeted at problematic and dangerous drinking among college students studying abroad in foreign environments.
Mobile Application Intervention Targeting the High Risk Drinking Practice of Prepartying (PACE)
NIAAA R34 AA025968
PI Pedersen
This study involves testing a mobile-based application designed for college students with evidence-based intervention material aimed at reducing risky drinking behaviors during prepartying.

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